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Electric Railroaders Association visit to Romania, May 2010

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Data înscrierii: 24/Oct/2005
Ultima vizita: 22/Mar/2024
Mesaje: 1759
Locație: Bucuresti 6

MesajTrimis: Lun 24 Mai 2010 15:22:50    Titlul subiectului: Electric Railroaders Association visit to Romania, May 2010 127472

Zilele acestea este in vizita in Romania un grup de circa 30 de turisti americani, membri ai Electric Railroaders' Association (ERA), o asociatie de pasionati fondata in 1934. Ei si-au propus sa viziteze majoritatea oraselor din Romania care au operatiuni de transport public electric (tranmvai sau troleibuz); in fiecare oras si-au propus sa intai o scurta vizita a unui depou al regiei respective si apoi o inchiriere a unui tramvai sau troleibuz pentru o cursa speciala (contra cost) pe un itinerar care sa cuprinda diverse locuri interesante din fiecare oras.

In majoritatea oraselor regiille de transport public au acceptat atat vizita la depou cat si inchirierea; unele regii au oferit inchirierea contra cost, altele gratuit. Mai jos prezint vizita grupului la Bucuresti, Braila si Galati, orase in care i-am insotit.

Right now a group of some 30 American tourists is on tour in Romania; they are members of the Electric Railroaders' Association (ERA), established 1934. They intended to visit the majority of Romanian cities with electric transport operations (trams or trolleybuses); for each city, they intended to pay a short visit to a depot belonging to the transport enterprise then to charter (against pay) a tram or trolleybus to an itinerary that would include some interesting places.

In the majority of cities the transport companies agreed both for the depot visit and the charter; some enterprises offered the charter vehicle for a fee, some for free. Below I'll present their visit to Bucharest, Braila and Galati, cities where I've been with them.
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Data înscrierii: 24/Oct/2005
Ultima vizita: 22/Mar/2024
Mesaje: 1759
Locație: Bucuresti 6

MesajTrimis: Lun 24 Mai 2010 15:31:19    Titlul subiectului: 127473

Sambata, 15 mai: Cu ajutorul domnului Mihai Vladarau, purtator de cuvant al RATB, am aranjat o vizita la depoul Dudesti; acest depou a fost ales pentru ca aici sunt cateva vagoane de epoca ale RATB, un punct de mare interes pentru grup. Chiar inainte de sosirea noastra vagoanele au fost scoase in fata halelor pentru a putea fi admirate si fotografiate; personalul depoului a si miscat unele din vagoanele de epoca pentru a putea fi fotografiate mai bine. In plus erau prezente si vagoane de uz curent - un V3A-93, un CH-PPC si Bucur LF-ul. Vizita a durat circa o ora, timp in care ne-am intersectat si cu un grup de pasionati germani care si ei sunt intr-un tur al oraselor cu transport electric din tara.

Saturday, May 15th: With the cooperation of Mr. Mihai Vladarau, spokesman of RATB, a visit was arranged to the Dudesti tram depot; it was chosen because here are some vintage trams, a point of big interest for the group. Before our arrival these cars were taken outside their halls; the depot personnel even moved some of them for better photo opportunities. Also current vehicles were present - a V3A-93 which makes the majority of the current RATB fleet, a V3A-93-CH-PPC plus the prototype Bucur LF. The visit lasted around one hour and it was shared with a group of Germans which were also touring the cities with trams in the country.

On a vintage tram
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Group visiting the depot. The cameraman is from a local TV station and is covering the event.
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Trams aligned for visit
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Data înscrierii: 24/Oct/2005
Ultima vizita: 22/Mar/2024
Mesaje: 1759
Locație: Bucuresti 6

MesajTrimis: Lun 24 Mai 2010 15:37:48    Titlul subiectului: 127475

Cei de la Metrorex au fost si ei de acord cu vizitarea unui depou; initial ei sugerasera depoul Pantelimon dar ERA a preferat depoul Industriilor pentru ca este la suprafata (s-a dorit un depou care sa contina rame IVA deci IMGB nu ar fi fost potrivit). La poarta ni s-au dat veste reflectorizante si ecusoane de vizitator; domnul Mihai Andronescu din partea Metrorex s-a ocupat de grup, conducandu-ne inauntrul halei de intretinere cu 3 linii si raspunzand la diversele intrebari; intre timp operatiunile normale de intretinere a trenurilor se desfasurau langa noi. Am fost impresionati de curatenia din hala. Si aici vizita a durat cam o ora.

Metrorex (the company which operates the subway) also agreed with a depot visit; initially Metrorex suggested the Pantelimon depot in the east but ERA preffered the Industriilor depot in the west since the latter is on surface (they wanted a depot with older IVA trainsets so the southern IMGB was not an option). At the gate we were given red jackets and visitor badges; mr. Mihai Andronescu from Metrorex led the group; we went inside the 3-line maintenance hall where he answered the questions; during this time the normal maintenance of the trains was performed next to us. We were impressed by the cleanliness of the place! Here also the visit took around one hour.

Inside the hall
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A train ready to go
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Group leaving the depot
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Data înscrierii: 24/Oct/2005
Ultima vizita: 22/Mar/2024
Mesaje: 1759
Locație: Bucuresti 6

MesajTrimis: Lun 24 Mai 2010 15:44:09    Titlul subiectului: 127476

Duminica, 16 mai: Cum RATB nu a fost de acord sa inchirieze nici contra cost vreun tramvai sau troleibuz (lucru cerut cu insistenta si de grupul de germani dar si ei au fost refuzati) astazi am explorat reteaua de transport a orasului. Am inceput la 9.30 dimineata pentru a termina la 17.30 cu o pauza de masa de 90 de minute; itinerarul a fost astfel:

Sunday, May 16th: As RATB did not let the group charter a tram, neither for free neither for a fee (the same thing was also requested by the group of Germans, they being turned down also) this day was allocated to explore the city transport network; the tour started at 9.30am end ended around 5.30pm with a 90-minute lunch break; the itinerary is below. Lines 1-59 are trams, 60-99 are trolleybuses and 100-999 are buses.

- Start at Sf. Gheorghe terminal
- Take line 16 north to 2 stops before terminus (lakeside running on railway-style tracks);
- Take line 36 east to junction with lines 40/56 at Bd. Basarabia;
- Take line 40/56 west to Piata Traian (Calea Calarasilor transforms from wide avenue to narrow street);
- Take line 14/55 north for 1 stop;
- Take line 70 east for 3 stops (running on narrow city streets);
- Take line 40/56 west to Sf Vineri terminal (photo stop);
- Take line 313 for one stop to Piata Unirii terminal;
- Take line 7 to Sura Mare; stop for lunch at City Mall
- Take metro M2 south at Eroii Revolutiei to terminus (surface running for last stop, photo opportunity);
- Take metro M2 north to Piata Sudului;
- Take line 73 for a single stop to look at complex trolleybus wiring in roundabout at Nitu Vasile;
- Take line 73 south to terminus (very short line, 5-6 stops total);
- Take line 102 west to CFR Progresu (bad idea as terminal at CFR Progresu was full of low-quality people... fortunately nothing happened)
- Take line 25 north to Bd Timisoara (Tatra cars, running mostly on separate right-of-way); stop at a grassy tram stop for photos;
- Take line 47 west to CET Vest (curbside running);
- Take the same line 47 Tatra trainset back east to Brasov;
- Take bus substitution line 641 north to Bd Mihalache (line 41 was suspended on that Sunday for catenary work);
- Take line 45 north to Carpati;
- Take line 97 north to Strand Straulesti (lakeside terminal);
- Take line 97 south to Sfintii Voievozi, within walking distance from hotel.
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Data înscrierii: 24/Oct/2005
Ultima vizita: 22/Mar/2024
Mesaje: 1759
Locație: Bucuresti 6

MesajTrimis: Lun 24 Mai 2010 15:51:38    Titlul subiectului: 127477

Luni, 17 mai: La Braila am vorbit cu dl. Mihai Rusinoiu care a fost de acord atat cu vizita la depouri cat si cu inchirerea; grupul a inchiriat doua vehicule, si anume un KT4D pentru traseul Radu Negru - Combinat si retur si tramvaiul de epoca 2008 pentru traseul Radu Negru - Depou Vidin. Pe la 10.30 am sosit la depoul Radu Negru; dupa o scurta plimbare prin depou am luat primul tramvai spre Combinat si retur; la capatul (devastat) de la Combinat am facut o scurta pauza pentru o sedinta foto. Odata intorsi la depou ne-am mutat in tramvaiul de epoca si am pornit spre Depoul Vidin via Independentei; cei din grup au fost foarte incantati de el. La Parcul Monument am facut si o scurta oprire pentru o sedinta foto. In fine la depoul Vidin am avut din nou ocazia sa vizitam tramvaiele ce se gaseau acolo. Inchirierea celor doua tramvaie a costat 1000 de lei.

Monday, May 17th: For Braila we spoke to Mr. Mihai Rusinoiu which agreed both to depot visits and tram rental; the group chartered two vehicles, first a KT4D ex-Berlin for the route Radu Negru (southern) depot - Combinat and back and the vintage tram 2008 ex-Vienna for the route Radu Negru depot - Vidin (northern) depot. Around 10.30am we arrived at Radu Negru; after a short walk thru the depot we boarded the first tram to Combinat and back; at the (dilapidated) terminus at Combinat there was short break for photos. Back at Radu Negru depot the group boarded the vintage tram for the trip to Vidin depot via Independentei Avenue; the group enjoyed the ride. At Monument we took a break for photos. Finally at the Vidin depot also we stayed for another 15-20 minutes to look at the trams which were present there. The two chartered trams costed 1000 lei.

At the Radu Negru depot. The intercity bus in the background brought us here.
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Short break at Parc Monument for a photo session with the vintage tram.
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At the Radu Negru depot, group boarded tram for Combinat.
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Short break at Combinat for some photos.
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Group aboard vintage tram, ready to depart for Vidin depot.
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Ultima modificare efectuată de către stfp la Lun 24 Mai 2010 17:23:20, modificat de 1 dată în total
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Data înscrierii: 24/Oct/2005
Ultima vizita: 22/Mar/2024
Mesaje: 1759
Locație: Bucuresti 6

MesajTrimis: Lun 24 Mai 2010 16:15:18    Titlul subiectului: 127480

Pentru Galati trimisesem un fax doamnei director Totolici descriind ce am dori sa facem in oras, si anume o scurta vizita la depoul din Piata Energiei si apoi trei curse speciale cu trei tramvaie diferite, plecand de la depou spre CSG, Cimitirul Israelit si Micro 19 (liniile din partea de est ale orasului nu erau accesibile datorita lucrarilor de inlocurire a liniei pe bd. Basarabiei la est de Piata Energiei). Cam in jurul orei 13.30 am sosit la depou unde ne-a preluat domnul Culita Paraschiv, seful sectiei Exploatare Tramvaie din cadrul Transurb; tramvaiele pregatite special pentru noi ne asteptau asa ca am plecat la bordul unei perechi de Tatra T4 ex-Dresda catre Combinatul Siderurgic si inapoi, traversand spectaculosul viaduct ce leaga orasul de CSG.

Din nou la depou ne-am mutat intr-un vagon cu remorca Duewag ex-Frankfurt pentru ruta cea mai lunga, spre Cimitirul Israelit (Gama SA); dupa o scurta pauza la capat pentru cateva fotografii ne-am intors din nou la depou. Aici mebrii grupului au avut o pauza de 15-20 minute pentru a vizita depoul; intre timp coordonatorul grupului (Mike Glikin) si cu mine am stat de vorba pe diverse teme cu dl. Paraschiv si cu inca un domn din cadrul depoului care ne-a insotit pe toate cele 3 trasee (din pacate nu-i tin minte numele). La final am intrebat cat ne costa si dl. Paraschiv ne-a transmis decizia conducerii Transurb de a oferi gratuit cele 3 curse speciale; acest lucru ne-a impresionat foarte placut astfel ca le-am trimis multumirile noastre! Pe langa asta gazdele ne-au oferit la toti cei 30 membri ai grupului si cate un abonament de o zi personalizat cu o sigla 'Prietenii tramvaiului' pentru fiecare dar datorita lipsei timpului grupul nu le-a folosit, ramanand doar ca niste amintiri placute. In fine ne-am urcat intr-un ZGT ex-Rotterdam pentru ultima excursie, spre Micro 19; aici grupul a coborat, tramvaiul intorcandu-se gol la depou.

In Micro 19 grupul a fost preluat de autocar si si-au continuat drumul spre Iasi; eu si cu Catalin Ghita ne-am indreptat spre gara pentru a lua trenul catre casa.

For Galati I had sent a fax to general manager Ms. Totlici describing what the group wanted to do in the city, more precisely a visit to the Piata Energiei tram depot then three charters with three different trams types, leaving from the depot to the Steel Mill, Jewish Cemetery and Micro 19 (the lines in the east of the city were inaccesible due to track replacement east of Piata Energiei). Around 1.30pm we arrived at the depot where we were greeted by Mr. Culita Paraschiv, the manager of Tram division; the trams prepared for us were waiting so we left aboard a Tatra T4 ex-Dresden couple to the Steel Mill and back, over the spectacular viaduct which connects the city to the Mill.

Back at the depot we moved to a Duewag ex-Frankfurt unit with trailer for the longest route, to Jewish Cemetery (Cimitirul Israelit, also called Gama SA); after a short break at the terminus for some pictures we returned to the depot. Here the group had a 15-20 minute break for seeing the depot; in meanwhile the group leader (Mike Glikin) and me talked on various issues to Mr. Paraschiv and another gentleman which joined us aboard the three tram trips (unfortunately I don't remember his name). At the end we asked about the cost and Mr. Paraschiv informed us about the decision of the management to offer the charter rides for free; we were impressed by their gesture and offered our thanks! Besides this the hosts also offered to all the 30 members of the group some day passes valid for the whole transportation network; the passes were customized for 'Tram friends' but because the lack of time we didn't had a chance to use them but kept them as souvenirs. In the end we boarded a ZGT tram ex-Rotterdam for the last charter, to Micro 19; here the group disembarked, the tram returning empty to the depot.

At Micro 19 the group boarded the coach to continue their journey to Iasi; me and Catalin Ghita went to the railway station to take the train back home.

At the Steel Mill terminus, tram to the left is in revenue service, tram to the right is ours, people taking photos.
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Row of ex-Berlin KT4D's at the Piata Energiei depot.
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Group aboard the Tatra charter in the depot
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A break at the Cimitirul Israelit terminus
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Data înscrierii: 24/Oct/2005
Ultima vizita: 22/Mar/2024
Mesaje: 1759
Locație: Bucuresti 6

MesajTrimis: Vin 11 Iun 2010 22:46:12    Titlul subiectului: 128254

O galerie foto cu pozele unuia dintre membrii grupului; majoritatea fotografiilor au si explicatii. Cred ca e interesant sa privim Romania prin ochii unui american!

A photo gallery with the pictures of one of the group members; most of the photos have short explanations too. I think it's interesting to see how Romania appeared to an American!
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